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Prayer Angel Of Prosperity

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Desarrollador JMCR Foundation

Prayer Angel Of Prosperity

Welcome Angel of Prosperity!
I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am.
I am grateful for life and all that sustains me.
I acknowledge that all good comes from God.
I acknowledge that I live in a prosperous Universe.
I acknowledge that God and the Angels want me to prosper.
I know that at this very moment,
God and the Angels are aware of my heart desires.
I focus in this moment now on my heart desires.
I give thanks for (Silently or out loud, state your request here.)
I take a deep breath, and let it all go.
I surrender everything to you.
I breathe, relax and let go.
I let go of how my good is to come to me.
I let go of when my good is to come to me.
I let go and trust. I know that my prayers are already answered.
Thank you. I love you. And so it is. Prosperity and Wealth

Your feelings of abundance and prosperity. These feelings of abundance and prosperity can change your life by creating a type of magnetism around you that will help you to attract what you desire. Read stories and strategies of wealth creation and prosperity through property, shares, business, online business, mindset.
Prosperity and Wealth